digitalhill, Author at Madden Engineered Products

Madden’s New Product Development, Part 2

Madden’s New Product Development, Part 2 January 15, 2016 by Aaron Rhoade What’s New for Madden in 2016? Part 2 As mentioned in our last blog, the Madden Milk Cooler™ is in the works. We’re excited at the potential of working in a new market. The idea behind this actually came from an attempt at rejuvenating our […]

Are Madden Sample Coolers the Best Bang for your Buck?

Are Madden Sample Coolers the Best Bang for your Buck? December 7, 2015 by Aaron Rhoade “Largest heat transfer surface, per unit of cost, of any sample cooler”– Competitor on their Sample Cooler Line Probably depends on the year and conditions of supply chain if we’re all honest, but in any case, we’d argue our line is […]

Why You Should Still Buy a Heat Recovery System Even When Fuel Prices Are Low

Why You Should Still Buy a Heat Recovery System Even When Fuel Prices Are Low October 21, 2015 by Aaron Rhoade Want in on a secret? Madden had its highest sales years during the recession. Why? We’re not entirely sure, but one definite part of it was the rise in fuel prices. Everyone with a boiler system […]

What does a blow down separator do?

What does a blow down separator do? September 16, 2014 by Aaron Rhoade One of the questions we get regularly concerns blowdown separators. What exactly is the function of a blowdown separator? We have listed some information that may be helpful in understanding blowdown separators below. Take a look at the Madden blowdown separator datasheet and you’ll […]

Sizing an Orifice Meter Blowdown Flow Control

Sizing an Orifice Meter Blowdown Flow Control August 19, 2014 by Aaron Rhoade Overview There are many different manufacturers of devices used to control the continuous blow down from an industrial boiler from simple needle valves to sophisticated electronic systems.   The Madden Orifice Meter is unique in design.  It has been in production for over 60 years […]

Customizing a Liquid Sample Cooler

Customizing a Liquid Sample Cooler August 12, 2014 by Aaron Rhoade There are many different manufacturers of sample coolers that can be used for cooling liquids.   What if your specifications are not available in standard sample cooler or miniature heat exchanger products?  We have outlined some options for Madden sample coolers that may be helpful. Those are […]