Packaged Chemical Feed Systems for Boilers

Madden provides chemical feed systems that combine on one platform – a holding tank for mixing and storing chemical solutions, a mixer, a chemical metering pump to inject the chemical solution, and suction and relief piping. Standard pre-engineered systems are available, as well as customized systems with equipment and features specified by the end user.
- COST EFFECTIVE – Save time and money on labor and materials. Reduces in the field installation costs.
- PRE-DESIGNED – Madden offers (5) pre-designed packaged chemical feed systems for general purpose and boiler room specific applications.
- AND BUILT TO ORDER – If you have specifications to follow, Madden can help design, source, fabricate, assemble, and test many chemical injection skid designs.
- Review our latest DATA SHEET to see if there’s a good footprint to start with for your next chemical injection application.
- CONTACT US to start a design and get a price for a turnkey chemical metering system to satisfy your chemical injection needs.
The Madden compact chemical feed systems are designed to be simple, durable and effective, all while
taking up less than 3 sq. ft. of floor space. The main features are as follows:
APPLICATIONS: these compact systems have been sold by Madden for over 60 years. The part numbers were previously TE502 and TE503. They are used in many industries including food processing, boiler rooms, wastewater treatment, and more.
TANKS: durable polyethylene tanks are standard. Stainless steel tanks are optional. Hinged lids and piping connections are included. Tanks are translucent, rated to 140 deg F. Standard sizes are 55 gallon and 110 gallon.
PUMPS: Madden diaphragm metering type pumps are used to inject chemicals into the plant operating system. Madden pumps are industrial grade, heavy duty construction, with adjustable output control. Our JN102 pump is the standard model, other sizes are optional. See the JN21 data sheet for more details.
Madden will outsource other types of pumps when it is necessary per the application or per customer request.
MIXERS: Madden high speed mixers are used to mix the chemical solution needed. Stainless steel shaft and propeller are standard. See the Madden mixer brochure for complete mixer details.
PLATFORMS: welded steel construction designed to support the filled tank, and serve as a mounting for the mixer, pump and piping. Platforms elevate the tank 16” above the ground for easy operator access. Standard finish is acrylic gray enamel, with highly corrosion resistant epoxy primer with polyurethane top coat as an option.
PIPING: standard pipe is ¼” ID, Sch 80 PVC with FNPT Sch 80 PVC fittings. Includes a foot valve and strainer on the suction line and a pressure relief valve on the discharge.
Madden has provided custom, built to order boiler room chemical injection skids for over 50 years. It is not uncommon for chemical metering skid requests to come in with little to no specifications to follow. Typically this equipment is pushed to the back burner until a water treatment firm becomes involved.
To help with this common occurrence, we decided to put together a few basic boiler room water treatment chemical injection skid designs. These designs are derived from years of experience manufacturing and engineering equipment for boiler rooms and other chemical dosing applications.
We’ve found these (3) designs to be a great starting point for building your next boiler water treatment system. Here are the features:
- TANKS: durable polyethylene cone bottom tanks are standard. Stainless steel tanks are optional. Hinged lids and piping connections are included. Tanks are translucent, rated to 140 deg F. Standard sizes are 125, 250, and 350 gallon.
- PUMPS: Madden diaphragm pumps as mentioned above. Our JN105, 107, and 111 models are also included in this lineup.
- MIXERS: Madden high speed mixers are used for the 125 gallon design. For the 250 and 350 gallon designs we use our medium speed mixer with a bridge type mounting support.
- SKIDS: Systems come pre-installed on 4’ x 8’ steel skid tops with a 3” 5# C channel frame Skids include holes for securing to floor and are finished with grey acrylic paint.
- PIPING: standard piping is the same as the above.
- APPLICATIONS: these designs can be used for any chemical injection application, but they are specifically tailored to boiler rooms with the following capacities:
- 125 Gallon – Boiler rooms producing up to 50,000 PPH of steam.
- 250 Gallon – Boiler rooms producing 50,000 to 100,000 PPH of steam.
- 350 Gallon – Boiler rooms producing 100,000 to 250,000 PPH of steam.