When it comes to holding boiler blowoff Madden has ASME code tanks designed to hold hot boiler blowdown for a 6-12 hour period, allowing the hot boiler blowoff to cool down to safe temperatures. Click here to learn more about Madden Engineered Products boiler blowdown tanks.
To separate hot intermittent boiler blowdown, or bottom boiler blowdown, into steam and wastewater, Madden Engineered Products designs and produces a blowdown separator product line with an aftercooler package. The separator’s vessel separates the hot blowdown to flash steam and wastewater. The aftercooler then immediately quenches the hot wastewater for safe, legal disposal. Click here to learn more about Madden Manufacturing’s boiler blowdown separators.
For cooling hot boiler blowoff, Madden manufactures sample coolers or miniature heat exchangers. These units are great for grabbing samples to test boiler water as well as for the continuous cooling of many other processes. Click here to learn more about Madden Engineered Products liquid sample coolers.
If you need to control your continuous boiler blowdown, consider a Madden orifice meter. These blowdown valves have been in production for almost 50 years and are generally used on industrial boilers from 200 HP up to over 100,000 PPH in steam production. Click here to learn more about Madden Engineered Products orifice meters.
And finally, if your boiler room is utilizing large boilers and/or many boilers and currently the continuous surface blowdown is being disposed of into the city sewer, consider a Madden heat recovery system. These systems are designed to reclaim the otherwise lost BTU’s that are dumped into the city sewer. The reclaimed heat is then used for boiler makeup water resulting in potentially huge savings. These savings can result in a payback period of less than a year for the Madden heat recovery unit and the cost of installation! Click here to learn more about Madden Engineered Products heat recovery systems.